Connectix RAM Doubler users should use version 2.0.1 or later.
Multiple PC operating systems - users may retain the preferences by copying them to the folder that the application resides in. Make a copy of the application to a separate folder and place the preferences for that operating system in that folder.
Holding down the option key while launching Virtual PC will display the preferences. Similarly, shutting down Windows 95 while holding the option key will display the preferences.
Hard Disk Drivers - be sure to have the current version of your Apple hard disk driver software installed.
Norton Utilities CrashGuard 1.0 generates an erroneous crash message when Virtual PC is launched.
Hybrid CD-ROM disks (Mac and PC versions on the same CD) may appear unreadable to the PC when used on older Mac CD-ROM drives and/or with out-of-date CD-ROM driver software. Use the latest CD-ROM driver software.
If using the Virtual PC 窶廣djust Mac Video Resolution窶 setting (in Virtual PC Video Preferences), desktop icons may be repositioned during Virtual PC resolution switch Full Screen and Window mode. This problem only occurs under Mac OS 7.x.
MSINPUT.INI is required in DOS for MS Mouse driver functionality in DOS. Consult Microsoft documentation for installation and configuration of the MSINPUT.INI file.
Do not use a PC drive compression utility (such as 窶廛rivespace窶 or 窶彜tacker窶) on the Virtual PC drive image. If the VPC drive image is mounted on the Mac desktop, only the uncompressed portion of the disk is visible. Consult the VPC manual for methods of increasing PC hard drive space.
Dynamic IP address assignment using DHCP will not work under Windows and Mac OS simultaneously. One IP number must be static.
If Virtual PC is running on multiple systems on a PC network - be sure to have unique computer description and user names set in the Windows 95 Network control panel to avoid a Windows networking error message #38.
FWB's CD-ROM ToolKit, should be updated to 2.0.6 or later. Also, make sure in the CD-ROM ToolKit control panel that "Allow Mounting Of: Any ISO 9660 volumes on "dual-format" Apple HFS CD-ROMs" is checked.
Kensington's MouseWorks users should use version 5.0.2 or later and should follow the manufacturer's specifications for configuring the mouse. Make sure the Virtual PC Mouse preferences reflect this setting.
Other two button mice will work if the mouse or trackball supports the standard "Cursor device Manager" interface in the Mac toolbox and one or more buttons on the mouse are unassigned, Virtual PC will automatically use the next available button to emulate the right button.
Apple Geoport users must disable "Flow Control" located under "Properties," "Connections," "Advanced."
Removable and network drives may be accessed by using the "Shared Folders" feature of Virtual PC.
Some applications may not be able to open files from a Mac shared folder. Copying the file to the Windows C or D drive will make them accessible.
InfoWave (GDT) PowerPrint users must set the COM1 port to the Printer or Modem Port that the PowerPrint serial to parallel converter cable is connected. Within Windows 95 select the correct Windows driver (or closest driver) for the PC printer. Select COM1 as the printer port and click on Configure Port and verify the following 57,6000; Data bits: 8; Parity: none; Stop bit: 1; Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
An option in the Virtual PC preferences dialog allows you to Mute FM Sound Playback and is not noted in the manual. This may result in substantially faster gameplay.
The manual incorrectly states that the best printer is the Epson LQ2500. Although VPC will print correctly when an LQ2500 driver is specified, better graphics resolution will be available if an Epson AP3260 driver is used. Both Windows 95 and Windows 3.11 ship with drivers for this type of printer.
The manual incorrectly states that the largest amount of PC memory that can be recognized is 64 MB. It is actually 128 MB.
For Virtual PC to provide integration between the Mac and PC environments, the following drivers are pre-installed in Windows 95/DOS:
MACMOUSE: This component provides 1) the ability to drag the mouse between Mac and PC environments and 2) better response for the mouse in Windows.
FSHARE: This component enables VPC窶冱 folder sharing in DOS, Windows 3.x, and Windows 95. The PC environment sees the shared Mac's folders as mounted 窶徭hared窶 volumes with distinct drive letters.
SYNCTIME: This component synchronizes PC time in Windows with the Mac clock.
MACVFLAT: The MACVFLAT driver works in conjunction with the Windows 95 S3 video drivers to speed up video accesses. Although not required for correct operation,
users will notice longer video latencies (e.g. slower menus and window redraws) without this driver. This driver is only applicable and available for Windows 95.
MACJOY: Located in the Windows 95 extras folder provides joystick support for Windows 95